Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tanzanian climbers selected from Global Alliance Vijana Center!

These students were selected by our school's staff based on their academic performance, strong character and giving attitude to join our Kili empowerment climb. Our 6 Tanzanian young stars are:
At top (from left to right): Neema, Shaban (reserve), Annastazia, Emmanuel
At bottom kneeling: Vayan, Paul
Not pictured: Veronica

Neema, Annastazia and Veronica are studying Secretarial duties, Vayan and Shaban are studying English, and Emmanuel and Paul are studying Welding.

I'll be sure to report as we commence training (long walks and jogging) over the next few weeks in preparation for the climb beginning on August 17th. My students are beyond excited. Emmanuel was asked by a teacher how he felt after the announcement. His response: "Nasikia kama Yesu amerudi" - I feel like Jesus has come back to earth. It's like a dream, they said.

*A beautiful print my talented friend Alston Wise created in honor of our climb. If you'd like to order one (profits'll go directly to support our climb), or some of her other brilliant prints/cards, go to: www.bwisepapers.com or directly to Kili print: http://www.bwisepapers.com/node/61